
Dr. Md. Shahzalal



Short Biography
Dr. Md. Shahzalal was born in Rangpur. He joined Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, as a lecturer in 2010 and currently serves as a Professor of Marketing. After earning his BBA and MBA from the University of Dhaka, he pursued an MSc and PhD abroad. His academic training includes comprehensive coursework...
Degree Name Group/Major Subject Board/Institute Passing Year
PhD Social Media University of Malaya 2023
M.Sc. Responsible Tourism Leeds Becket University, UK 2015
MBA Marketing University of Dhaka 2008
Designation Organization From Date To Date
Professor Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur 2023-12-17 2024-08-30

Research Activities & Consultancy

Title Organization Role Fund Year
No research & consultancy info is found
Organization Type Year
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK General 2015
University of Dhaka General 2008
Shahzalal, M., & Elgammal, I. : Stakeholders’ perception of accessible tourism implementation based on corporate sustainability and responsibility: a SEM-based investigation, Tourism Review , (impact factor: 7.30), 2023 .
Shahzalal M, Adnan HM : Attitude, Self-Control, and Prosocial Norm to Predict Intention to Use Social Media Responsibly: From Scale to Model Fit towards a Modified Theory of Planned Behavior, Sustainability , (impact factor: 3.3), 2022 .
Shahzalal, M. D., & Hassan, A : Communicating Sustainability: Using Community Media to Influence Rural People’s Intention to Adopt Sustainable Behaviour, Sustainability , (impact factor: 3.3), 2019 .
Shahzalal, M., & Font, X. : Influencing altruistic tourist behaviour: Persuasive communication to affect attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs, International Journal of Tourism Research , (impact factor: 5.94), 2018 .
Title Event Year
Commonwealth Scholarship in the UK Scholarship was awarded to attend an MSc in Responsible Tourism Management 2014
Research studentship under Hong Kong PhD Fellowship SHTM, PolyU 2018
Developing Solutions Scholarship MSc in Environmental Management. The University of Nottingham (Not attended) 2014
Dr. Md. Shahzalal
Department of Marketing
Phone: 8801787617502, PABX: