
Dr. Md. Tanziul Islam

(Associate Professor)
Short Biography
Degree Name Group/Major Subject Board/Institute Passing Year
PhD Political Science (Local Government) Rajshahi University 2020
MSS Political Science Rajshahi University 2004
BSS Political Science Rajshahi University 2003 ( Passing Year 2004)
HSC Humanities Sadullahpur Degree College 1999
SSC Political Science (Local Government)5 Talukjamira High School 1997
Designation Organization From Date To Date
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Research Activities & Consultancy

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Mohammad Tarikul, Siddiqur Rahman, Md. Tanziul Islam, Md. Sayedur Rahman : E-Democracy in Developing Countries: Current Trends and Future Prospects, Journal of Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur , 2012 .
A.R.M. T Islam, M.A Habib, M.T Islam, M. R Mita : Interpretation of wire line log data for resevoir characterization of the Rashidpur Gas Field, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, , 2013 .
. Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam, Anjum Tasnuva, Md. Tanziul Islam, Md. Rezaul Haque, : Management Approach to Disaster Scenerio in Bangladesh: An overview,, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, , 2014 .
Akkas Ahamed, Md. Sayedur Rahman, Md. Tanziul Islam, : ‘The Compatibility of Islam with Democracy: A Review in the Context of Contemporary World, Journal of Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur , 2013 .
Md. Tanziul Islam, Md. Jubaer Ibna Taher, Belal Uddin, Saha Forid : Socio-economic Values and child marriage: A case study on selected villages in Kurigram District, International Journal of natural and Social Sciences, , 2015 .
Md. Tanziul Islam, Md. Jubaer Ibna Taher, Belal Uddin, Saha Forid : Socio-economic Values and child marriage: A case study on selected villages in Kurigram District, International Journal of natural and Social Sciences , 2015 .
Md. Tanziul Islam, Debjyoti Biswas : Communism: A Critical overview from Plato to Modern Perspectives, Journal of Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur , 2015 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : Critical overview on Plato’s philosophy on education and Its Applicability in Modern period, Development Compilation , 2018 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : Geo strategic Environment of Bangladesh: An overview,, Rabindra journal , 2018 .
Md . Tanziul Islam : Critical overview on Plato’s philosophy on education and Its Applicability in Modern period, Development Compilation , 2018 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : Geo strategic Environment of Bangladesh: An overview, Rabindra journal , 2018 .
Md. Humayun Kabir, Md. Tanziul Islam : ‘International Migration of men and its consequences on left-behind women of Rangpur in Bangladesh,, Development Compilation , 2019 .
Md. Tanziul Islam, Md. Humayun Kabir : A Critical Observation of Plato’s justices Theory: A Comparative analysis, Development Compilation , 2019 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : Decay of fanatical nationalism in Pakistan: Looking Back to the Election of 1970, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies , 2022 .
Dr. Md. Tanziul Islam : Power and Functions of Parliament Members in Bangladesh : AConstitutional Debate, Journal of the Islamic University Studies , 2018 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : The Theory of the Ideal State of Plato: An Overview, Rabindra journal , 2020 .
Md. Jubaer Ibna Taher, Sabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Dr. Md. Tanziul Islam : Bangladeshe’s Economic Miracle Since 2009: The Role of Sheikh Hasina Regime, Journal of Social Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur , 2021 .
Md. Tanziul Islam , Md. Maidul Islam : Tobacco Production and Environmental Health aND sOCIO-Economic impacts of Tobacco in Bangladesh: An Overview ( In Benguli), Rabindra journal , 2017 .
Md. Tanziul Islam : Veto Power of UN Security Council to Protect World Peace and Security : An Overview, Rabindra journal , 2017 .
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Dr. Md. Tanziul Islam
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Phone: 01716964798, PABX: