
Md. Ashanuzzaman

(Associate Professor)
Short Biography
Different forms and shapes of clouds, especially those colored by various shades of light, contribute to the beauty of the sky. My life mirrors the sky—wide open and plain blue—coloured and decorated by struggles. Similar to the variety of clouds in the sky, my struggles also manifest in various ways....
Degree Name Group/Major Subject Board/Institute Passing Year
SSC Business Studies Jashore Board 2002
HSC Business Studies Jashore Board 2004
BBA Accounting and Information Systems University of Dhaka 2008
MBA Accounting and Information Systems University of Dhaka 2009
M.Sc. Economics (International Trade) University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China 2020
Designation Organization From Date To Date
Lecturer Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur 2014-10-13 2017-12-19
Assistant Professor Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur 2017-12-19 2023-02-05
Associate Professor Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur 2023-02-05 Present